The Three Marines of Facebook:
- I've reconnected with three old Marines buddies. One of them was my boot camp pal, and we'd take the train home on weekends during Combat Training since we lived near each other. He now lives in Corona with his wife and two daughters.
- After Marine #1 found me I went looking for others and found a friend who was with me through all my training (Basic, Combat, and Infantry) and went to Hawaii when I went to Guam. When I was in Hawaii for surgery, he came to visit me. But since finding him on facebook all correspondence stopped when I approved his friend request. My only thought is that he saw I was gay and couldn't handle it. I was pretty devestated at first, cuz we were such close friends, but that was almost 20 years ago, and it's his loss, so fuck 'im.
- Marine #3 was with me the night I broke my back. He stayed with me on the roof after I passed out for as long as he could manage before retiring for the night so he could get some rest before work. I can't even begin to tell you how often I've thought of him in the 19 years since it happened. And it seems I was on his mind just as often, so finding him on facebook has been one of the most wonderful things to happen to me in some time. We've talked on the phone, assuring one another that regardless of that night our lives are pretty good. He lives in the Blue Ridge Mtns. of Virginia with his childhood sweetheart and their menagerie of animals. He hunts and plays music. He'll be in CA in July and I can't even begin to describe how excited I am to see him.
The Film Project:
- I'm currently searching for material to adapt into my first ever film project. Since the film is going to be a short, I am looking for a short story to adapt. I had thought of adapting "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, but it's been done. I'm currently poring over a collection of Philip K. Dick stories.
- I lack the willpower/drive/motivation to sit and develop my own idea. I figure an adaptation will be a good means of priming the pump.
- If you're not listening to Janelle MonĂ¡e then you are stupid and shouldn't be reading my shlog.
- I've been listening to Iggy Pop's The Idiot for several days nonstop.
I guess this is the moment in my life when my ears are most receptive to The Idiot's charms. The sound of Iggy being co-oped by Bowie really is the precursor to post-punk. If Bowie and Eno's Berlin Trilogy (Low, "Heroes," Lodger) is The Lord of Rings, then The Idiot is The Hobbit. Without a doubt this is essential listening. If you're not in the know, you really are missing out. Especially if you're not familiar with "Nightclubbing" or "Funtime."
- I'm gonna see Roger Waters in November. I'm wet just typing that sentence.
- It's been well over a year since I've had any kind of sexual contact. Maybe I should follow Morrissey's example and just say I'm celibate? But more importantly, here's hoping I can channel all this pent-up energy into my film project. We shall see. We'll just see.
- Is there anybody out there?